"The Practices"

"The Practices" Overview

If you decide to join "The Practices" at  Going Beyond the Scale, you'll be introduced into a totally new "way & weigh" of thinking about where ever your mind and body is today ... and most important ... where you want to "practice and evolve" your mind and body to be moving forward ...

This isn't a course ... this isn't something to "start & stop" it's truly a practice that supports whatever plan or program you're currently on, or one that you are looking into.

Once you join, this practice is yours for a lifetime, there's nothing to master, nothing to get right, to be perfect about, or stay on track with... it's a practice.

So... "tag you're it" ...

to begin where you are ... who you are ...

that's all there is to do ...

Jay Jacobs

"The Practices"

$97 USD

  • Lifetime Access

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